All Over The Road
Slowly but surely I am creating my web presence. I imagine it will take a lot of discipline to keep any blog up to date. And it probably takes a big ego to think that you have a something interesting to say every day. Well, let's hope I can find enough to keep talking - although talking to oneself is talent worth developing.
Click on the player below to listen to my selection of tunes from International Artists Company website while you browse - and support independent artists!!

Station at KIAC and

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Veeple - add voice/thought bubbles, links, etc. to an online video

Veeple lets people instantly personalize, interact, socialize and share online video in real-time... People place interactive spots, VeeSpots, into any video creating videos with a more personal, family or social context.

Think of a VeeSpot simply as a point of interaction in a video. Using VeeSpots, a person can instantly link a video to a friend’s MySpace or Facebook. A VeeSpot, for example, can link a video of a Ferrari to the official Ferrari web site. An eBay Seller uses an eBay VeeSpot to link buyers directly to their auction. Do a search from the video. Link to Wikipedia. Etc. Also, you can choose to ‘mash-up’ you videos with advertisers in a simple, engaging and non-intrusive fashion. It is your choice if you want to join with advertisers and share in the revenue. We plan to put this capability in place after our beta is complete. Coming soon! Almost any kind of interaction you might imagine. But mostly it is about having fun!

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Creative Commons License
AOR (All Over the Road) by dublinjames is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.