All Over The Road
Slowly but surely I am creating my web presence. I imagine it will take a lot of discipline to keep any blog up to date. And it probably takes a big ego to think that you have a something interesting to say every day. Well, let's hope I can find enough to keep talking - although talking to oneself is talent worth developing.
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Station at KIAC and

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Plaque commemorating the Battle of Cable Street.Image from Wikipedia

April Fools Day.

Once again, April Fools day is upon us. So far I've managed to make it through to 11am without being caught out. But there is still one hour to go and I'm still being very skeptical of everything people tell me. One friend at work was convinced the Max Mosley story (see below about F1 supremo and the Nazi orgy) was me trying to catch him out - shame it never dawned on me to try. Surprised I never twigged that Max was the son of Oswald Mosely, the venomous Nazi sympathiser from 1936 who found out how unfascist the British people truly are at the Battle of Cable Street.

Anyways, April (and spring) are here.
Can't delete some messages in my email folder - wonder if that's me caught by some April Fools virus ?? Now the clocks have "sprung" ahead, we have more hours of daylight in the evenings. Time to get the bicycle out and lose that winter insulation around my belly.

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AOR (All Over the Road) by dublinjames is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.